Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Should you update to iOS 6 beta

I know that iOS 6 has some nice new features but should you update. First of all would you want to pay $99 a year just to get iOS 6 beta. I'm sure you don't. If you are a developer than Yes upgrade to iOS 6 beta. Well you might be wondering why developers should upgrade to iOS 6 beta. Well they develop apps right, so they up date because they want to see if their apps are compatible with their apps so they can make changes. If you have the patients than wait and if not then I guess your paying $99 a year. If you haven't know already if you update to iOS beta's they are buggy and some apps won't open or work properly because they aren't compatible yet.

Saturday, June 9, 2012

Character Map on Windows 7

So you might be wondering what this Character Map is or this you might need. Have you ever needed a symbol but it was not on your keyboard. With Character Map there are a variety of symbols you can choose from. 

To activate this you would need to click start and just search Character Map and then click enter. To get your symbol just click on any symbol and click select then copy and now you just paste on where you want it to.

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Tips for iOS 5

These information was off of 

Secrets for iOS5 - Full Edition

General Tips 


Thanks for looking and this was just less then half of what this app can offer. If you want to find out more about some other cool tips and tricks, check the app out.

Saturday, June 2, 2012

Customize your Windows 7

Are you tired of your Windows 7 desktop. I personally use XWidget and XLaunchpad to do the job. There are a variety of widgets to choose from like clocks, calendar, and picture frames.



A Mac like screen.